Source code for prance.util.path

"""This module contains code for accessing values in nested data structures."""

__author__ = "Jens Finkhaeuser"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018 Jens Finkhaeuser"
__license__ = "MIT"
__all__ = ()

def _json_ref_escape(path):
    """JSON-reference escape object path."""
    path = str(path)  # Could be an int, etc.
    path = path.replace("~", "~0")
    path = path.replace("/", "~1")
    return path

def _str_path(path):
    """Stringify object path."""
    return "/" + "/".join([_json_ref_escape(p) for p in path])

[docs]def path_get(obj, path, defaultvalue=None, path_of_obj=()): """ Retrieve the value from obj indicated by path. Like dict.get(), except: - Any Mapping or Sequence is supported. - Path is itself a Sequence; the first part is applied to the passed object, the second part to the value returned from this operation, and so forth recursively. :param mixed obj: The Sequence or Mapping from which to retrieve values. :param Sequence path: A Sequence of zero or more key/index elements. :param mixed defaultvalue: If the value at the path does not exist and this parameter is not None, it is returned. Otherwise an error is raised. """ from import Mapping, Sequence # For error reporting. path_of_obj_str = _str_path(path_of_obj) if path is not None and not isinstance(path, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"Path is a {type(path)}, but must be None or a Collection!") if isinstance(obj, Mapping): if path is None or len(path) < 1: return obj or defaultvalue if path[0] not in obj: raise KeyError( 'Object at "{}" does not contain key: {}'.format( path_of_obj_str, path[0] ) ) return path_get( obj[path[0]], path[1:], defaultvalue, path_of_obj=path_of_obj + (path[0],) ) elif isinstance(obj, Sequence): if path is None or len(path) < 1: return obj or defaultvalue try: idx = int(path[0]) except ValueError: raise KeyError( 'Sequence at "%s" needs integer indices only, but got: ' "%s" % ( path_of_obj_str, path[0], ) ) if idx < 0 or idx >= len(obj): raise IndexError( 'Index out of bounds for sequence at "%s": %d' % (path_of_obj_str, idx) ) return path_get( obj[idx], path[1:], defaultvalue, path_of_obj=path_of_obj + (path[0],) ) else: # Path must be empty. if path is not None and len(path) > 0: raise TypeError(f"Cannot get anything from type {type(obj)}!") return obj or defaultvalue
[docs]def path_set(obj, path, value, **options): """ Set the value in obj indicated by path. Setter anologous to path_get() above. As setting values is a write operation, this function optionally creates intermediate objects to ensure all elements of path can be dereferenced. :param mixed obj: The Sequence or Mapping from which to retrieve values. :param Sequence path: A Sequence of zero or more key/index elements. :param mixed value: The value to set. :param bool create: [optional] Flag indicating whether to create intermediate values or not. Defaults to False. """ # Retrieve options create = options.get("create", False) def fill_sequence(seq, index, value_index_type): """ Fill the sequence seq with elements until index can be accessed. Fills with None except for the indexed element. That is either a dict or a list, depending on the value_index_type. If the latter is an int, a list is added. If the latter is None (unknown), None is added. Otherwise a dict is added. """ if len(seq) > index: return while len(seq) < index: seq.append(None) if value_index_type == int: seq.append([]) elif value_index_type is None: seq.append(None) else: seq.append({}) def safe_idx(seq, index): """ Safely index a sequence. Much like dict.get with default value, except returns None instead of raising IndexError. """ try: return type(seq[index]) except IndexError: return None # print('obj', obj, type(obj)) # print('path', path) # print('value', value) from import Sequence, MutableSequence, Mapping, MutableMapping if path is not None and not isinstance(path, Sequence): raise TypeError(f"Path is a {type(path)}, but must be None or a Collection!") if len(path) < 1: raise KeyError("Cannot set with an empty path!") if isinstance(obj, Mapping): # If we don't have a mutable mapping, we should raise a TypeError if not isinstance(obj, MutableMapping): # pragma: nocover raise TypeError(f"Mapping is not mutable: {type(obj)}") # If the path has only one element, we just overwrite the element at the # given key. Otherwise we recurse. if len(path) == 1: if not create and path[0] not in obj: # dicts would normally silently create, but we have to make it # explicit to fulfil our contract. raise KeyError(f'Key "{path[0]}" not in Mapping!') obj[path[0]] = value else: if create and path[0] not in obj: if type(path[1]) == int: obj[path[0]] = [] else: obj[path[0]] = {} path_set(obj[path[0]], path[1:], value, create=create) return obj elif isinstance(obj, Sequence): idx = path[0] # If we don't have a mutable sequence, we should raise a TypeError if not isinstance(obj, MutableSequence): raise TypeError(f"Sequence is not mutable: {type(obj)}") # Ensure integer indices try: idx = int(idx) except ValueError: raise KeyError("Sequences need integer indices only.") # If we're supposed to create and the index at path[0] doesn't exist, # then we need to push some dummy objects. if create: fill_sequence(obj, idx, safe_idx(path, 1)) # If the path has only one element, we just overwrite the element at the # given index. Otherwise we recurse. # print('pl', len(path)) if len(path) == 1: obj[idx] = value else: path_set(obj[idx], path[1:], value, create=create) return obj else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot set anything on type {type(obj)}!")