Source code for prance.mixins

Defines Mixins for parsers.

The Mixins are here mostly for separation of concerns.

__author__ = "Jens Finkhaeuser"
__copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2016-2018 Jens Finkhaeuser"
__license__ = "MIT"
__all__ = ()

[docs]class CacheSpecsMixin: """ CacheSpecsMixin helps determine if self.specification changed. It does so by caching a shallow copy on-demand. """ __CACHED_SPECS = "__cached_specs"
[docs] def specs_updated(self): """ Test if self.specficiation changed. :return: Whether the specs changed. :rtype: bool """ # Cache specs and return true if no specs have been cached if not getattr(self, self.__CACHED_SPECS, None): setattr(self, self.__CACHED_SPECS, self.specification.copy()) return True # If specs have been cached, compare them to the current # specs. cached = getattr(self, self.__CACHED_SPECS) if cached != self.specification: setattr(self, self.__CACHED_SPECS, self.specification.copy()) return True # Return false if they're the same return False
[docs]class YAMLMixin(CacheSpecsMixin): """ YAMLMixin returns a YAML representation of the specification. It uses :py:class:`CacheSpecsMixin` for lazy evaluation. """ __YAML = "__yaml"
[docs] def yaml(self): """ Return a YAML representation of the specifications. :return: YAML representation. :rtype: dict """ # Query specs_updated first to start caching if self.specs_updated() or not getattr(self, self.__YAML, None): import yaml setattr(self, self.__YAML, yaml.dump(self.specification)) return getattr(self, self.__YAML)
[docs]class JSONMixin(CacheSpecsMixin): """ JSONMixin returns a JSON representation of the specification. It uses :py:class:`CacheSpecsMixin` for lazy evaluation. """ __JSON = "__json"
[docs] def json(self): """ Return a JSON representation of the specifications. :return: JSON representation. :rtype: dict """ # Query specs_updated first to start caching if self.specs_updated() or not getattr(self, self.__JSON, None): import json setattr(self, self.__JSON, json.dumps(self.specification)) return getattr(self, self.__JSON)